Most Popular CSS Frameworks

Looking for the best CSS framework in ? Well, here are some of the best CSS frameworks listed down. Let’s firstly know a little bit about CSS frameworks. A CSS framework is a collection of CSS stylesheets that are ready to use. A CSS framework is a library of code that makes the design easier for a developer to implement in their web applications.

Best CSS frameworks


Bootstrap is the world’s best CSS framework. This free and open-source framework with large community support. Currently, 4.5.0 is the latest version of bootstrap. This new version provides us more responsiveness with classes and new components. A CSS framework is built in HTML, SASS, and JavaScript. It is usable for any device and a developer-friendly framework. It also supports all modern browsers.

css frameworks

Reasons to use Bootstrap

  • Bootstrap is the most popular and open-source front-end framework for creating layouts. It is a responsive CSS that adjusts to phones, tablets, and desktops.
  • Bootstrap is easy to set up and we can create a working layout in less time.
  • We Don’t need to know much about HTML and CSS to use bootstrap.
  • Bootstrap is fully customizable, we can choose which components we like to use and variable files to get do even more color and behavior customization.
  • Bootstrap is based on the MIT License, therefore it is free to use, free to distribute, so you can develop and you can contribute to the community as well.
  • Many detailed documentations are provided with those layouts so that the users can understand them easily.


Tailwind is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework. it gives us all the building blocks that we need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinionated styles we have to fight to override. Like, other CSS frameworks it doesn’t come with pre-defined components. But it provides us a set of CSS helper classes by using these classes we can create custom designs easily. So we can create our unique design.

css frameworks

Reasons to use Tailwind

  • Centering an element, creating a flexible layout, or using a specific text color are all things you would normally code in CSS. Tailwind makes all these common styles easy to implement by offering powerful utility classes. This methodology, sometimes called Atomic CSS where an HTML element’s classes clearly describe what it’s going to look like.
  • Tailwind doesn’t come with pre-made components or a specific language.
  • It provides reusable components.
  • No Default theme.
  • Comes with a menu of predesigned widgets to build the site with.

Materialize CSS

Material design is the design language of choice for many websites and admin themes. It is an open-source CSS framework that makes it easy to implement the material design look and feel in the own projects. is easy to learn as well as excellent documentation is provided. this framework has large community support and great positive feedback.

css frameworks

Reasons to use Materialize CSS

  • It is widely, used and people are familiar with it. This can make your creations easy to use for your target audience.
  • The documentation page of Materialize is very extensive and also pretty easy to start with.
  • Its components page include cards, button, navigation, and many more added features.


Bulma is another most popular and responsive modern CSS framework. this framework is build-in HTML, SASS CSS prospector and CSS flexbox. It’s easy to use and import into our projects and comes with various pre-made components. Also, Bulma gives lots of options to customize with our requirements using sass files, web packs, and variables. Bulma is created in pure CSSS. This means while using the framework all we need is one .css and no .js.

css frameworks

Reasons to use Bulma

  • While the goal of frontend developers is to provide a great experience to the end-user, Bulma’s creators aim to provide a great experience to the developer. With that in mind, Bulma comes with naming conventions that are easy to use and remember.
  • Easy to customizes that provide many properties like color, padding, etc using SASS.
  • Bulma offers clean and simple presets which make it easy to choose as per the topics the developer wants to explore.

Semantic UL

Semantic UI is built around the unique goal of creating a shared vocabulary around UI. Based on natural language principles, Semantic empowers designers and developers by making the code more readable and easier to understand. Sematic UI stands out with functionality that goes beyond a CSS framework and includes simplified debugging and the ability to define elements, collections, views, modules also the behaviors of UI elements.

css frameworks

Reasons to use Semantic UI

  • Semantic UI offers very well-organized documentation. Moreover, the framework has a separate website with guides for getting started, customizing, and creating themes.
  • All Semantic UI classes are human words and coding resembles writing a regular text. This also has a user-friendly approach that makes it easier to grasp and understand the framework even for beginners.

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